Dear Sakshi,
Its not easy to live in a world wherein u have to face hypocrites, mostly in our routine lives! not that I myself am a self proclaimed non hypocrite!!! :-) There's a very fine line between hypocrisy and survival hypocrisy...Its kinda confusing...there are times when u really wanna be true and open hearted, but then u realise that its better to be labeled a hypocrite than trying to come across as a perfect individual...We all have had to burden ourselves with social hypocrisy at one point or the other, and yes! it hasn't been a gratifying the end of it all u feel disappointed with urself! Why should life be sooo complicated...coming to my life its just like everyone else's...:-) very simply put i.e.My policy in life is that at the end of the day u should feel content and at peace with urself....instead of feeling disgusted and frustrated with ourselves. If that's possible then kudos! u are on the road to safe havens!!! meaning maybe ur conscience is not gonna torture u when ur 60 plus in ur life! I remember one of my older relatives once commenting, that its not our youth that matters, its definitely the old age, coz that's when lifes additions and subtractions truly come to light and the ultimate result shoudn't disappoint u. When I started working in media, I was just a school going teen. Since then I haev evolved as a woman, as an individual and in that process I have come across quite a few of the above mentioned species (hypooos), and also I have come across people of both negative and positive shades. I have been surprised, frustrated, shocked, angry, sad, disappointed and also happy! So for the coming days I might indulge u guys with some of my behind the camera experiences. In there u will find a true mixture of people and I guess media had been the perfect school for me in life,(though its just been 9 years now, and i know its too early to be introspective) coz I have come across different realms of life, subtle and loud, and together they have painted the canvas of my life a brighter shade.Thereby this one is for all those people who have influenced my life in a positive way and to all those people in the realm of media who taught me as to what not to be....coz sometimes the negatives can bring out more of the positives in u than the actual positives itself...sorry if I sounded boring...but this is what I am, my thoughts and musings...I am no literary expert or a social critic, just a 26 year old woman who likes to think aloud! So with all humility,wait for the next one guyz! :-)...coz therein I will begin at the beginning, like how David Copperfield! though not that introspective or fine....I luvd David Copperfield!!! It was one classic that first introduced me to hypocrisy,deceit and what not! and how the social world is woven around it, like a spider's web!