Dear Sakshi,
Its been a busy phase for me and much have transpired during these days. First and foremost I began to truly understand the true beauty of music in its entirety. Through friends and family, the importance of having a dream was instilled in me, so strongly that , every waking moment of my life was enveloped by this strong desire to earn my true love of life back. Music and dance though an integral part of my life was never so much of a priority. I was never confident of my abilities, about being able to prove something , anything. My initial years in music and dance were blissful but I was but a child enthralled at the vibrant hues and charming tapestries of elegance and cultural richness. Did I understand the significance of it all then? NO! I was comfortable in my bubble and then the bubble emerged as this stone walled fort of a safe haven. Pursuing challenges, venturing out of your comfort zone, trying new things, seeking friendships, letting go, enjoying the little things, setting higher standards, understanding your abilities, your strengths and weaknesses, learning to accept and acknowledge yourself and your talents all were the small beginnings. Life changed in a huge way and to a large indispensable extent friends and family were responsible, my four year old and his loving father was responsible, :-) my loving Gurus were responsible... for the awareness, for the self confidence and for giving me wings and for making me believe in myself. Success is definitely not about the fame or the money that you may or may not make, its about the life changing influences, the soul awakening experiences and the bliss of understanding your spiritual self in a way like no other. The journey for me begins now I guess, and I will be documenting my progress, my setbacks, my creative journey and a lot more with all of you henceforth. I don't really know who all fit into the category of "ALL" . But nevertheless I have to admit with all sincerity and happiness that life has become much more easier, and more spiritual. "You need to compete with only yourself" - and what a thought that is indeed!!! . It is true that you don't live to impress the other half. and it is so important that you need to work at it every single day to work harder, with a lot of strong will and undeterred focus. When all of this falls in place , you realize that there is this innate peace within you and that nothing negative can ever hurt you again, neither unwanted drama nor senseless issues.
I think its very important to be involved in anything creative, from an early age itself and that contributes immensely towards nurturing your sensibilities and molding a better you in the long run. That's when you really understand how important it is,, that world over kids be given the opportunity to learn in a peaceful loving environment. Where art combines with education there arises an inbuilt sense of security and empathy , the lack of which is what that turns a child into a monster later on. No one is born a devil; kids are brought unto this world with all the innocence and goodness that they are destined for. But it is the people around them, the society and the living conditions of an economy that tear apart a child's dreams and strangle it in its very infancy. But that's when you realize that having been blessed with a loving environment and a fair opportunity to experience life in a secure realm, it is time to return the due to life itself. It's ok if I fail while trying, its ok if I falter, but I will move on, keep trying and smile all the way to the finish line. This one is for you God for giving me this life, for giving me amazing family, friends and so much of positive people around me, for loving me and lifting me up, for letting me know that nothing lasts forever...With lots of love and joy, this one is for you God!!! :-)