Dear dear Sakshi,
Gosh!!!! Its been sooo long, but as u know, its been a tremendous transition for me guys....:-) Finally motherhood has embraced me and u knw what it feels great!!! despite the sleepless nights, and all the crying and screaming.....but now the smiles and laughs and gurgling has started....It feels like heaven, no matter how bugged u are, hw depressed, tired or totally wiped out u are, one look at ur angel's face and ur entire world lights up!!! I hardly knew the days passing by, its now I finally got a breather....whew!!! my lil one is busy exploring his new world, which would give me little time in between, and in those interludes, I will share the most beautiful moments of my life with all my dear dear friends....I keep telling about how I feel as a mom, but what about the feeling of being a dad!!! thts even more special u know...Vinu was just ecstatic!!! and it has made our bond of love stronger and deeper...:-) This lil' angel arrived on march 5th 2010, bringing a special sort of love into our lives....I can't explain nor can I ever ever convey my feelings to the letter....I just know that this is one happiness that God bestows on u, but its a huge responsibility as well...I wonder if I'll be a perfect mom, but i'll try to be a mom that he loves....So later guyz, my angel just halloooowed for me....take care all of u....:-)