Dear Sakshi,
What a wonderful way to begin a day...:-) my dearest friend delivered a cute baby boy today at 3:15am.....It is indeed a joy to start ur day with such happy tidings...I still remember the day we both joined all seems like just yesterday...we both finished 5 years of college together, but it was only during the last two years that we really became close friends....soon we were married the same year again!!!! and ended up in the same place as well...and then we both felt the joy of becoming a mother...:-) for her the journey has moved onto the next phase,with her lil' one with!!! I still have three more months ahead of me the waiting is becoming intolerable :-) But today I am sooo happy for her , my dear friend and her lil' angel....Yesterday when I knew she had gone into active labour, I felt like it was me and not her in that labour room....gosh!!! I had a fitful night and finally when I got the call bearing the gud news...I whispered to my lil' one..."ur lil' friend has made it fine, can't wait to see u now...:-) " and I wished upon time to fly with renewed vigour, so that I can soo feel my baby in my arms...:-) All in all today seems to be bright with the sunshine of hope and new beginnings for my dear friend.....:-)