Monday, December 7, 2009

Dear Sakshi,

I kind of feel really guilty about being lazy...:-) sorry guyz I know I should have written sooner...but was feeling a bit low for a couple of days...really tired and worn out for no visible reason, then when I sat down to actually write in my blog, I couldn't access the Internet...:-) Anyways here I am once again trying to gather my thoughts. First of all I must say I am really very happy about the wonderful comments I am getting from my friends...Most of them let me know through mails and sms...but it feels soo good really...I am not trying to make pregnancy sound beautiful, I record my thoughts as I have them. The previous couple of days were tough for me...with regard to sleep...Actually I seem to sleep fairly well, though I have to get up occasionally at least twice or thrice to go to the loo. During pregnancy the urgency to urinate increases manifold and you are supposed to take a lot of that keeps u awake. Moreover u are advised to sit up and then change sides while sleeping, so again ur sleep is disrupted. But do u know what I feel...:-) I feel that this is nature's way of tuning u in advance so that u will be prepared to be alert 24/7 once ur lil' one comes...:-) Actually I really don't mind losing sleep that much, but the next day when I try to take a nap,it becomes all the more difficult to sleep...the result being complete exhaustion...Now this doesn't mean u go through this scenario everyday..Occasionally this happens and then u have no control over ur body...Its just amazing, the changes that happen in ur body na? Its no mere process to nurture a life in u, its an art in itself moulded by God Himself...Now that I am in my 7th month my tummy has become bigger and u can eat only very small portions, otherwise it seems suffocating. Its tougher to walk, sit and lie down...:-) but hey I hope I am not making it sound too terrible...Its not! Its difficult for sure but then the thought of being able to see that cute lil' face very soon takes away all that discomfort and makes u feel that every minute of ur pregnancy is worth that very moment...That is the beauty and depth of motherhood...:-)